Pubblicata la classifica dei giochi più scaricati dal PlayStation Store per tutte le piattaforme Sony. Diamo un’occhiata insieme ai titoli più acquistati dallo store online delle console nipponiche:
PlayStation 4
Journey; God of War III Remastered; Minecraft; Driveclub; Life is Strange; F1 2015; The Vanishing of Ethan Carter; Batman: Arkham Knight; LittleBigPlanet 3; Need for Speed Rivals; FIFA 15; The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt; Call of Duty Advanced Warfare; Mortal Kombat X; Rory McIlroy PGA Tour; Bastion; The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited; Metal Slug 3; Grand Theft Auto V; Call of Duty Ghosts;
PlayStation 3
Minecraft; Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars; Call of Duty: Black Ops II; Battlefield 4; Gran Turismo 6; Need for Speed Rivals; LittleBigPlanet 3; Life is Strange; FIFA 15; Diablo III: Reaper of Souls;
PS One
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped; Suikoden II; Crash Bandicoot; Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back; Metal Gear Solid; CTR: Crash Team Racing; Suikoden; Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas; Final Fantasy VII Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
PlayStation Vita
Minecraft; Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified; Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment; FIFA 15; J-Stars Victory VS+; Terraria; Don’t Starve: Giant Edition; Uncharted: Golden Abyss; Killzone Mercenary; Grim Fandango Remastered; Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines; Unit 13; GTA: Liberty City Stories [PSP]; Valkyria Chronicles II [PSP]; Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles [PSP]; Tekken 6 [PSP]; LEGO Jurassic World; Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [PSP]; Persona 4 Golden; Soul Sacrifice Delta;
This post was published on 8 Agosto 2015 11:50
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