Sony ha diffuso una guida che elenca i principali codici di errore per PlayStation 4, con piccoli consigli per risolvere i problemi più diffusi. Potete leggere i codici con le rispettive soluzioni a fondo pagina.
E-82305f13 – This seems to affect users ability to access shared images and join party chat. The fix so far seems to be logging out of PSN via Settings and then back in.
CE-33179-3 Application is not found. Retry after the installation is completed.
Installation of Add-Ons fails until the installation of application installation is complete.
CE-33991-5 Get the status of the non HTTP_GET_200 in Internet connection. Retry Internet Connection test.
CE-34788-0 This update file cannot be used. Connect a USB storage device that contains an update file for reinstallation for version 1.50 or later. Delete the Update file from the USB storage device, and replace it with the update for reinstallation found from this page.
CE-34878-0 Application has crashed. Restart the application in the content area.
NW-31484-0 DNS server not specified. Restart the PS4 system.
NW-31367-0 Could not open wireless device. Restart the PS4 system.
NW-31453-6 Delayed server response. Try Internet connection test at [Settings] > [Network] > [Test Internet Connection]. Check that the internet status is valid.
NW-31194-8 Connection was reset. Restart the PS4 system.
E-8200002E The credit card information is not valid. Remove credit card from account, and then re-enter the credit card information. Refer to Add / Remove Billing Information.
E-82000102 Server returned “Unknown Error” Try again. If the error happens on PS Store, close the store and retry. If the error persists, exit store and Sign-out and Sign-in to PSN at [Settings] > [PSN].
This post was published on 27 Novembre 2013 17:14
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